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Top 21 Iconic Clint Eastwood Quotes That Define Greatness

Top 21 Iconic Clint Eastwood Quotes That Define Greatness.


Who is Clinton Eastwood?

Clinton Eastwood Jr. was born in San Francisco, California, U.S., on May 31, 1930. The iconic actor, director, and producer has etched his indomitable mark on the entertainment industry, leaving an enduring legacy that extends far beyond the glitz and glamour of Tinseltown.

Eastwood’s rise to fame began with his breakthrough role as Rowdy Yates in the television series “Rawhide.” However, it was his portrayal of the enigmatic “Man with No Name” in Sergio Leone’s “Dollars Trilogy” that catapulted him into the upper echelons of Hollywood stardom.

Eastwood’s venture into directing began with the renowned film “Play Misty for Me” in 1971, signaling the start of his productive career as a filmmaker. Over the years, Eastwood effortlessly shifted between acting and directing, creating a collection of enduring masterpieces like “Unforgiven,” “Million Dollar Baby,” and “Gran Torino.”

Read: Clinton Eastwood Net Worth

Top 21 Clint Eastwood Quotes

  • “I always thought of myself as a character actor. I never thought of myself as a leading man.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “I’ve always felt that if I examine myself too much, I’ll find out what I know and don’t know, and I’ll burst the bubble. I’ve gotten so lucky relying on my animal instincts, I’d rather keep a little bit of the animal alive.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “If somebody’s foolish enough to ask me to go to a political convention and say something, they’re gonna have to take what they get.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “There’s a rebel lying deep in my soul.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “If they’re so interested in the opinion of a grocery-store clerk in Reseda, let them hire him to make the movie.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “A lot of guys falter when they get in that [director’s] chair. … But for somebody who’s relaxed and understands other actors and likes the process, it’s kind of simple.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “As a director, I’m more interested in the whole story—in other people’s characters. If I were only acting, maybe I’d want to be the only guy in the movie. Who can say?” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “If they’re so interested in the opinion of a grocery-store clerk in Reseda, let them hire him to make the movie.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “Movies are fun, but they are no cure for cancer.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “Respect your efforts, respect yourself.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “There’s a rebel lying deep in my soul” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “I tried being reasonable, I didn’t like it.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “I just make the pictures and where they fall is where they fall. If somebody likes them, that’s always nice. And if they don’t like them, then too bad.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “The less secure a man is, the more likely he is to have extreme prejudice.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “I’m a movie maker, but I have the same feelings as the average guy out there.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “Nobody looks like they did when they were 20, so why not take advantage of the fact that. you’re changing, emotionally as well as physically?” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “We are like boxers, one never knows how much longer one has.” – Clinton Eastwood
  • “I’m just a kid – I’ve got a lot of stuff to do yet.” – Clinton Eastwood

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